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Money For Mac

Money For Mac

Getting started Thank you for choosing Money for Mac and welcome! Money for Mac is a comprehensive personal finance management application with powerful features that are easy to use. On the main screen you can see the following parts: 1) Menu: it serves for command execution. All commands are duplicated with «hot keys».

Take control of your home budget on your Mac OS X with best personal finance software. 'Microsoft Money users will feel somewhat at home with AceMoney. Listen to Money Mac SoundCloud is an audio platform that lets you listen to what you love and share the sounds you create.

2) Tabs panel on the left: it serves as a navigation tool between the main app’s sections (Bills, Balance, Budget, Reports) and contains aggregated information for each section. 3) Upper bar: it contains a time filter and management tabs. 4) Main window on the right: it displays detailed information for a selected section. If you feel confident enough and don’t want step by step instructions how to work with the app, we suggest you to watch our Quick start tutorial that will help you to begin working with the app right away. Accounts The first thing you do with the app, you fill in the information for your Balance Sheet (Balance tab). A balance sheet is a type of personal financial statement.

It provides an overall snapshot of your wealth at a specific period in time. It is a summary of your Assets (what you own), your Liabilities (what you owe) and your Net worth (assets minus liabilities).

Assets and Liabilities Even though you might find more distinct classification of assets, there are two types of assets suggested in this app: - payment accounts: accounts used for payments such as cash, bank account, debit cards, Internet accounts, etc.; - other assets: all other assets of great value - house, vehicle, shares, etc. Liabilities are also divided into two parts: - credit cards: your credit cards only; - other liabilities: loans, debts, mortgage, etc. In the Balance section, click «+» next to the tab Balance and add information about your assets and liabilities. Budgets Budget is one of the main tools to get your expenses under control so that to save extra money for a big purchase or to get out of debt. Categories and subcategories To make this tool efficient, you should first think out the structure of your budget.

Think of all possible spending categories you can put all your expenses into. Mind that categories have double hierarchical structure in the app. So there are categories and subcategories. Please, remember, once you’ve set up a budget, you should use the same categories while inserting your expenses.

Setting up a budget Go to the Budget section to create a budget. You can set up multiple budget with several budget entries for the sections Income and Expenses. Click «+» next to the Budget tab. In the opened form choose either Income or Expenses. For Income list your main income sources: salary, business income, dividends, etc.

For Expenses enter your expenses: housing, utilities, meals, childcare, loans and etc. For every entry you will need a special category. Choose it from the source list, but if you want a different one, click 'Edit' in the end of the categories list.

In the opened form you can also edit the existing category by clicking it and entering all the necessary changes. When the category is determined, fill in the rest of the fields for the entry: - Amount: the maximum amount you want to spend for this category (on this budget). Periodicity, start date and end date: this periodicity is set up specially for this budget entry. You can set it up for a month, for every two weeks, etc. If the end date is empty or far enough to include several periods, this budget entry becomes recurring and will be automatically generated with the selected periodicity.

Currency: the currency used for this budget entry. Class: you can select personal or business class if you need to divide these two types of expenses. If you need to register separately expenses of a different class, edit the existing ones or add a new class by clicking 'Edit' in the end of the classes list.

Agent: for some categories you might need to register expenses by different agents (f.e. For loans it can be banks).

To enter a new agent click 'Edit' in the end of the agents list. Click 'Save' and set up other budget entries similarly. Tracking a budget When in the Budget section you can see on the Tabs panel on the left: 1) Budget progress bar for each set up budget. Green color marks budgets that are still lower than the budgeted amount, red color marks overspent budgets. 2) Actual amount: the amount spent on a particular budget (green or red).

3) Budgeted amount: the amount you planned for each budget. Click arrows next to categories to view the list of subcategories inside. At the Upper bar you can set a certain time period to view your budgets for. In the Main window you will see different charts and graphs with the information for the selected budget and the set time period: - Pie chart: shows the structure of your actual or budgeted incomes/expenses. Click on the arrows on the chart to navigate between the budgeted/actual pies. Or click 'Actual'/'Budgeted' in the table below the chart.

To view the structure of subcategories inside a particular category, click the arrow near the needed budget on the Tabs panel. Bar chart: shows the trend of your budget actual/planned during the year. Graph: shows you a cash flow for the selected financial period (year, month, etc.). Progress bar chart: shows budgeted vs actual incomes/expenses.Green color marks budgets that are still lower than the budgeted amount, red color marks overspent budgets.

Blue color is used for budgeted amounts. Use arrows in the term filter to navigate between different periods. Deleting a budget To delete a budget entry, go to Budget section, click the arrow to the right from the needed budget on the Tabs panel and in the opened form click 'Delete record'. Bills & transactions Types of transactions: income, expenses, transfers and other Transactions are your actual or scheduled (planned) financial operations. There are the following types of transactions: 1) Income transaction.

When you receive money from someone else as a paycheck, profit share, dividends, gifts, etc. 2) Expense transaction. When you pay to someone else in exchange for a purchase or services. 3) Money transfer transaction. When your money goes from one of your app’s accounts to another. You take a certain amount from your checking account to use it as cash. 4) Asset purchase.

When you buy a new asset and add it to your list of Other assets in the Balance section. 5) Asset sale. When you sell an asset and delete it from your list of Other assets in the Balance section. 6) Liability acquisition. When you take a loan and add it to the list of your Liabilities in the Balance section. 7) Discharge of liability.

When you pay off your loan or close your credit card and delete it from the list of your Liabilities in the Balance section. Creating a manual transaction No matter in what section you are (Bills, Balance, Budget) click «+» in the right upper corner of the main window to add a new transaction. Then choose 'Manual' and select 'Transaction type'. The chosen type will influence the other fields on the form.

Fill in the needed fields in each particular case. For an Expense transaction: - Category and subcategory: you should choose the same category that you used for budgeting. Account: the account you paid for this purchase from. Amount: a specific amount in the used account’s currency. Date: along with the date you can enter the exact time of the purchase.

Cleared: you can reconcile this transaction. Details from More section: class of the purchase (business, personal), agent (to whom you paid), check #, description. Attachment of audio or photo comments. For an Income transaction: Fill in the fields similarly like for an Expense transaction. Choose the account, which will receive the income money. For a Transfer transaction: - Account: the account you are transferring money from. Account (to): the account you are transferring money to.

Money For Macbook

Amount: the amount you transfer from the first account. It should be entered in the currency of the first account. Amount received: the amount received by the account you are transferring money to. It will be filled out automatically even if the two accounts have different currencies. But if the received amount differs from the one you transfer, correct it manually. Date: along with the date you can enter the exact time of the transfer. Cleared: you can reconcile this transaction for both of your accounts.

The rest of the fields should be filled out like for an Expense transaction. For an Asset purchase: - Category and subcategory: you should choose the same category that you used for budgeting. Account: the account you paid for this purchase from. Asset: you need to add a new asset to the existing list of assets. To do that, click on the asset field and select 'Edit' in the pop-up menu. Then click «+» and add a new asset to the section Other assets. Fill in the asset parameters.

Save the changes and click 'Close'. After that select the newly added asset from the appeared list. You will be asked if you would like to increase your assets. In case of the positive answer the new asset will be added to your balance. Amount: the amount you paid for the purchase from your account. Please, note that this amount might differ from the cost of the new asset which you have entered when adding this new asset to your assets list.

The rest of the fields should be filled out like for an Expense transaction. For an Asset sale: - Category and subcategory: you should choose the same category that you used for budgeting. Account: the account, which receives the sale money.

Asset: the asset you sell. Select it from the list of the assets and it will be erased. Amount: the amount received after the sale.

Please, note that it can be different from the cost of the asset. The rest of the fields fill out like for an Expense transaction. For a Liability acquisition (except credit cards): - Category and subcategory: you should choose the same category that you used for budgeting. Account: the account, which receives the money. Liability: you need to add a new liability to the existing list. To do that, click 'Edit', then «+» in Other liabilities section.

Fill in the liability parameters. Amount: the amount of the liability.

The rest of the fields fill out like for an Expense transaction. For a Discharge of liability: - Category and subcategory: you should use the same category that you used for budgeting. Account: the account you pay off your liability from.

Liability: select the needed liability from the list of your liabilities. Interest: how much interest will be deducted from your account without discharging the liability. Principal: it will be deducted from both your account and your liability. Extra payment: the amount you pay for discharging your liability in advance. It will also be deducted from both your account and your liability.

Money For Macau

Date: enter the date (and the time, if needed) of the transaction. The rest of the fields fill out like for an Expense transaction (if needed). When you finish the transaction details, click 'Save' and a new transaction will be created.

Deleting a transaction You can delete any transaction by clicking 'Delete record' in the bottom of the editing form (the form with transaction details). The editing form can be opened from any of the sections: Bills, Balance, Budget. To do it from the Bills or Budget section, choose the needed transaction type (for Bills) or budget entry (for Budget) on the Tabs panel and click on the 'List icon' in the right upper corner of the main window. Then select the needed transaction from the appeared list. To do it from the Balance section, choose an account on the Tab panel and click on the needed transaction in the main window. Currency The main currency in the app is set automatically, depending on the region you have registered your Mac in System Preferences.

All the parameters in your reports will be displayed in the main currency. To change the main currency, go to the main menu 'Data types'/'Currency'. Click on the arrow next to the selected currency. In the opened form you can: - add any currency to favorites (put a checkmark for the field 'In the favorites'), - set any currency to be the main one (put a checkmark in the field 'Set as the main currency'). The exchange rates can be updated automatically. In the main menu go to 'Money'/'Settings' and put a checkmark for the field 'Auto update currency'. But if you decide to update them manually, click on the 'Update button' (Circle arrows) in the left lower corner.

Recurring and automatic bills Recurring transactions are planned expenses and incomes that happen with a certain periodicity on a regular basis. Contrary to actual transactions, planned transactions do not affect the balance of your accounts and you can schedule these transactions for any day in advance. Once you set it up, it will be generated automatically on a regular basis. It helps in case you have regular payments with the same amount of money (rent, mortgage, insurance and etc.). To create a recurring transaction, go to the Bills section and click «+» in the right upper corner.

Change the transaction type to 'Planned' and fill in the transaction details: - Automatic: if you put a checkmark, this transaction will become actual automatically on the specified date and time. Repeat once every: the period you enter will determine the frequency with which the transaction will be repeated. It can be done once every 2 weeks (click 'Edit' in the main list, then choose 'Week' in the right column, and figure '2' in the left), once a month (choose 'Month' in the right column, and figure '1' in the left), etc. You can also set up the 'End date', after which the transactions will stop being generated. If you need a one-time transaction, clear the field by clicking on the cross in the circle for this entry.

The rest of the fields fill out like for an Expense/Income transaction. Recurring transactions will be automatically created on their respective dates the same time your launch the application. Browsing transactions If you simply look at the calendar in the Bills section you will already know how many due and overdue bills you have. Different colors contain information: - Red color is used for overdue transactions. Blue color is used for planned transactions. Green color is used for actual (paid) transactions.

On the Tabs panel there are the tabs: overdue, planned, paid. Click on any of them to sort the transactions.

If you want to see the detailed information for any of the groups, click on the needed type and then click on the 'List icon' in the corner. If you want to view transactions for a certain account, click on this account while in the Balance section. To search a certain transaction, use the 'Search button' in the table heading of the Balance section. To see all the expenses/incomes for a particular budget, go to the Budget section, select a certain period and a budget entry, then click on the 'List icon' in the right upper corner of the main window. Notifications and alerts You can set up notification options for your planned transactions. In the main menu go to 'Money'/'Settings'.

Turn on the option 'Use local notifications' and specify when you want to be notified (1 day before, on the due date, etc.). You will receive the notification on the specified day (2 days before, on the due date, etc.). Moreover, every time you launch the application on the app’s icon you’ll find the number of the scheduled transactions that are due and overdue. The number on the icon will not disappear until you make the payments. To make these (or any scheduled) transactions paid, choose 'Overdue' ('Planned') transactions in the Bills section, then click on the 'List icon' in the right upper corner.

After that click on the 'Alarm-clock icon' in the needed entry. It will change the color of the entry into green. If you’ve made a mistake, click on it once more, to make the entry red (blue) again. Reports Generate numerous reports helping to track and analyze your financial state. Firstly, go to the Reports section and set up the necessary options for your reports. Click 'Filter' in the right upper corner and select the needed parameters.

Filters This app allows you to filter transactions by several parameters. You can choose a certain account and a certain class of expenses. Combining a few filters together opens great opportunities for your financial analysis.

However, you can also filter transactions by one parameter only. You may filter transactions by period. Select the needed period in the Time filter above the Main window. You may filter transactions by class: - Personal - Business - All the classes F.e. It is very convenient in case you need to track business travel expenses separately from your personal expenditures. You may filter transactions by account: - One account - Several accounts - All the accounts You may filter transactions by agent: - One agent - Several agents - All the agents F.e.

It is convenient when you want to analyze where you make purchases more often. Tools Export and print You can export your data in PDF, QIF or CSV formats. The files can be emailed or exported. To export any of your reports, go to the main menu 'Tools'/'Export', set necessary parameters ('Filter' button) and the period, select the needed format and click 'Export'. To print the data instead of 'Export' click 'Print report'. OFX Import You can download OFX file from your bank's website.

Go to the main menu 'Tools'/'OFX import', add OFX file by clicking «+» in the right upper corner. Then choose the OFX file from the list and click 'Import'.

After that select the account to download the data to and the transactions which will be downloaded. Configure the transactions parameters (if needed). Backup The best way to protect the data you entered is to back it up regularly. To make a backup of your data, go to the main menu 'Tools'/'Backup/Recovery'. Then click 'Backup' in the bottom of the form.

Select the profile for which you need a backup and a new backup will be created. You can keep backups separately. To copy a backup, select the needed backup from the list and click 'Show in Finder'.

If you need to use one of the previous backups go to the main menu 'Tools'/'Backup/Recovery'. Then choose the needed file and click 'Restore from backup' in the bottom. The current data will be replaced with the data of the backup selected. To delete a backup, select it from the list and click «-» in the right upper corner of the form. Password protection If you don’t want anyone to have an access to your Money records, protect your data by setting up PIN.

To do it, in the main menu go to 'Tools'/'Profile', select profile and click 'PIN'. Set the PIN for the selected profile. Profiles You can create separate profiles in the app for keeping separate accounting records. It is convenient, if f.e.

You have a small business and want to manage your business and personal expenses separately. It will be a complete financial management of two different financial objects. You will be able to make detailed reports for each profile and set separate PIN for each one of them. To set profiles, in the main menu go to 'Tools'/'Profile', click 'User' (the default profile), then select 'Edit' and click «+» on the bottom of the opened form. Type profile’s name, set PIN (if needed) and save the changes. Now, every time you enter your data, be aware of which profile is chosen as the current one. ICloud sync If iCloud is enabled, the data will be automatically updated on all your devices.

To turn iCloud on, go in the main menu to 'Money'/'Settings', and put a checkmark for iCloud (for correct iCloud settings on all your devices use the ). Then wait for some time for the information to be updated. If you recover a backup on one of your devices, it will be recovered on all your devices using the same iCloud account automatically. Also, if you delete one of your profiles on one device, it will be deleted on all the devices automatically.

Last Updated: October 10, 2018 If you’ve recently made the switch to Mac, you might be disappointed to know that Microsoft Money is not available for Mac. Microsoft actually replaced Money in 2010 with a free version called Money Sunset Deluxe although there’s no Mac version of that either.

However, there are plenty of other options for Mac users to manage their finances, from free Cloud based apps to personal finance software designed specifically for Mac. Here then is our list of the best Microsoft Money for Mac alternatives in order of ranking. (formerly Fortera Fresh Finance) is an extremely well put together personal finance software that has a native Mac desktop client.

Finance App For Mac

Moneyspire is focused more on managing your day-to-day finances in a straightforward non-nonsense way. One of the big attractions of Moneyspire is that i t doesn’t force you to store your financial data online or in the Cloud although you can if you want to enjoy syncing with iOS devices. Unlike personal finance software such as Quicken for Mac, it also doesn’t tie you into any annual subscriptions to keep using it although again, you can choose that model if you want. You can also import MS Money files in CSV format into Moneyspire very easily. For a limited period too, Moneyspire is $29.99 which is of $49.99. The interface of Moneyspire keeps things very simple by not overwhelming you with information – it’s basic but informative with all essential financial data at your fingertips. Moneyspire can pay bills automatically with the Direct Connect service, generate reports, forecast balances and reconcile accounts.

What we like most about Moneyspire is that it feels like it puts the user first, giving you control over both the storage of your finances and the payment model you prefer. It also doesn’t complicate things unnecessarily with features you’ll probably never need. Moneyspire is currently $29.99 which is of $49.99. You can also try a free trial of Moneyspire to see for yourself. Is more than just a way to manage your money, it actually advises you on how to maximize your capital and investments. Not only that but it’s completely free to use unless you want a personal consultation about how to maximize your investments (which you don’t have to do).

It also connects to your bank, credit card, credit union and other financial institutions so that it can automatically download transactions. Personal Capital can also import Microsoft Money files from Windows if they’re in CSV format. Personal Capital is built around 3 simple pillars: Knowing Your Net Worth, Analyzing & Optimizing Investments and Planning For The Future.

Money For Mac

This means it gives you a clear overview of your investments and makes recommendations about how you can optimize your finances. The Investment Checkup Tool is one of the best things about Personal Capital as it immediately identifies areas where you should diversify investments without increasing the risk. Other useful features we really like about Personal Capital include automatic bill reminders, stock value updates and 401K updates. Although there’s no native Mac client, the web interface works extremely well and Personal Capital looks like an application that’s built for macOS. If you’re looking for an alternative to MS Money on Mac that not only helps you manage finances but optimize them too, Personal Capital is an excellent free replacement. You can get started with to see for yourself.

You can read our full for a more in depth look. You can also watch a quick overview of all the best features of the application below. (formerly iBank) is a popular personal finance application with a desktop app for macOS. In fact Banktivity is designed exclusively for Apple devices and the only budgeting software for Mac which works across Mac, iPad, iPhone and even Apple Watch. Banktivity can automatically download transactions from your Bank either via its own Direct Access service (although this costs extra) or by using Banktivity’s built-in browser.

Banktivity’s Direct Access service supports around 10,000 banks although the reliability of this service often depends on changes your bank makes to security regarding access by third-party apps and type of account. 401K accounts for example are known to be particularly fussy about connectivity with external apps. Banktivity can track investments, credit cards, savings accounts, mortgages and pretty much most standard types of financial interest you have. You can attach receipts to transactions, print checks and using the Direct Access service, pay bills automatically. You can also generate some quite detailed reports based on your net worth to see exactly where your money is going.

There’s also an iOS app which allows you to track and manage your net worth on the move and syncs with Banktivity’s cloud sync server. Banktivity costs $64.99 but bear in mind if a Direct Access subscription costs an extra $44.99 annually on top although there are also cheaper 90 day or 30 day subscriptions. We recommend trying a 30 day subscription first to ensure that everything works smoothly with your bank. You can try to see for yourself. You can also check out our for a more in-depth look. Despite the name, is not based on MS Money but has several similarities and features.

MyMoney allows you to both import MS Money files and download bank statements. MyMoney then does the hard work for you by automatically entering your statements into an electronic register. The major benefit of MyMoney is that it brings all of your financial data into one place so it’s much easier to track your finances, investments and requires very little manual input. It can even reconcile bank statements and fix any errors it finds. MyMoney generates useful reports and can even do check printing like the old Microsoft Money used to. On the downside, you may find that you have problems connecting MyMoney to your bank. This is quite a common problem with budgeting software as banks often change security settings and connection protocols from third-party software.

There’s no official list of banks that officially work with MyMoney so we strongly recommend trying the before deciding whether to buy. For many years, Quicken for Mac had a rocky ride with Mac users when it was owned by Intuit but under new ownership, recent versions of Quicken on macOS have been considerable improvements. Quicken is probably the most popular personal finance application out there for Windows users although the Mac version has always lagged behind.

Finally made it comparable with the Windows version although there are various features it still lacks and it’s not exactly the same product. One of the biggest recent improvements to Quicken For Mac has been the introduction of Bill Pay so that you can automatically manage and pay bills online. Reporting has also been improved although it is still behind the Windows version of Quicken.

The overall interface and speed has been improved to make it more similar to the Windows version too. Most controversial of all however was the decision to make Quicken For Mac 2018 subscription only. Quicken users on both Windows and Mac can no longer pay a onetime fee, you must pay an annual subscription to maintain online services such as Bill Pay. If you don’t renew your subscription, you can still edit your accounts on your Mac desktop as long as you’re not using the Starter Edition in which case your accounts will be read-only. If you’re interested in learning more, you should check out our.

These are the best equivalents to Microsoft Money on Mac we’ve found. If you have any questions, comments or experiences you want to share with any of the software featured here, let us know in the comments below. You May Also Like:. Smayer97 One correction to Quicken is that though it is officially subscription based, it offers the ability to opt out of automatic renewal.

The subscription is simply to enable online functionality, including downloading data into Quicken from most sources. This means that when the subscription expires, you can only use Quicken in manual mode. So it will work like the old stand-alone version of previous versions. The only exception to this is the Starter edition, whereby your data will be rendered read-only when the subscription expires.

And note that in concept, Quicken has been ‘subscription’ based since 2015 for the Mac version (and at least since 2007 for the Windows version). The main difference is that now it is officially marketed as such with automatic renewal as the default and the period has been reduced from up to 3 1/2 yrs in older versions to 12 to 27 months, depending on where you purchase it.

Also, with the subscription-based model, Quicken has moved toward continual updates (approx every 1-2 months at the moment) versus the old once a year large upgrades.

Money For Mac